Online press registration for BuildingsNY 2021 is available for editorial media professionals of a publishing entity—this includes newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online content providers, bloggers, radio and broadcast outlets. To qualify for press registration, you must forward one of the following credentials to :
Copy of valid press pass issued by news organization
Copy of a recent issue of a publication, with masthead listing of your editorial position
Copy of a recent bylined story that identifies you as writer, reporter or contributor to a publication
Original letter of assignment from a media outlet
URL of an established website that reports/opines on relevant subjects related to BuildingsNY, buildings professionals and/or participating exhibitors, with identification of the requesting writer/contributor
Identification of social media platform that reports/opines on relevant subjects related to BuildingsNY, buildings professionals and/or participating exhibitors, with identification of the requesting writer/contributor
If you have any questions regarding press registration please email